Well this is the first attempt at using this new blog so here we go.
The process of creating a gmail account, and setting up this new blog was pretty simple. I already had a gmail account so I did not need to create one, and this made my setting up my blogger account faster, and easy. Attempting to create a blog was not that hard you just have to follow the instructions, so everything was self explanatory.
In this course I expect to learn a lot about different types of art, and different artists. I also expect to learn different background stories about the art that we focus in on for example, why did the artist choose to paint or create this image? Was there a purpose behind it? Is their a story behind this image? One other thing I expect to learn is more about myself. I would like to learn how can I create art, and how am I as an artist.
I feel good about taking an online course. I have taken many courses online throughout my past semesters so it is not anything that is new to me. The only thing that could be difficult is sometimes having to remember that there are deadlines for the course, and this is not any easier than taking courses on campus. So the same amount of time, and effort being put into a class on campus, needs the same amount of time and effort to be put into an online course.
One thing that I learned from the Growth Mindset videos was that the more you challenge yourself to learn, the more brain cells you grow. Another thing I learned was that repeating an action builds strength. Repetition helps your brain register things that are important to know, or that you need to memorize. Something else that I learned was you can grow, and get better at things. These are three things that I believe apply to me mostly, just because these are things that are essential to know, and somethings that you can train your mind to do.
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